Saturday, November 27, 2010

dreams and poetry

A few months ago, as an assignment related to an article on lucid dreaming that my students had read, I asked them to record their dreams that week in the reading journal they keep for my class. When I collected them, I was stunned by the poetic nature of these writings. There is something so unique about their expressions of abstract images through limited English vocabulary. The writings were also a beautiful way for me to learn more about my students' backgrounds. I've included a few examples below.

I saw in my dream, the sun was shining it was
too hot I was running....
Once I saw a child his eyes were blue he
took my hand and we went to the sky he showed
me the world and said, Do you know what is
the secret of blue color?
I see his blue eyes and I could say anything.
He put his hand on my eyes, my eyes became
blue and when I see the world with blue eyes
I realize what is the difference between
blue and black, then I wanted to say it
for that child, but he wasn't there
again I run and run...
But nobody was there. I had lost my eyes.
My eyes were black, this are not mind...
when I was crying my roommate woke me up and I
know that all of it was just a dream.
-Afghani student

I saw last night that I am in our garden
and my parents are sitting beside the garden.
My mother said: Razia be careful about the vegetables.
I am very happy and I am watering the garden
and I wet the wall and I smell the wet mud.
Both of my brothers are laughing at me.
And I wake up......
-Afghani student

One night, I had a dream about my family.
I always remember in my mind because it was a good dream for me and my family.
The dream expressed about my living at the countryside.
My family lived in the country near mountains, lakes, fields, etc.
My father was a farmer and my mother cleaned house.
My sister provided food to pet animals, like dogs, chickens, ducks, pigeons...
For me, I sat under the tree to read a book with fresh air.
My family was a happy family.
-Cambodian student

Some days ago, I dreamt a terrible dream about war.
The war was the independence war of Bangladesh.
I saw that the enemies entered into our area.
The people of that area were running to save themselves from the attack of the enemies.
I got frightened.
I tried to flee away by running, but I couldn't run.
I tried again and again.
But every time I failed.
At last, the enemies caught me, but they didn't do any harm to me.
I saw many dead body and destruction of lands.
My heart was beating.
When I awoke I was afraid.
I never forget that dream.
-Bangladeshi student

1 comment:

  1. Those are incredible, Christa. Thanks. You could write a book.

    Missed you at T-Giving but it was good to chat.
